The trade has only aged better and better for Atlanta in the time since. Nance has become a key stabilizing vet presence, and Daniels has more than lived up to his “Great Barrier Thief” nickname, giving the Hawks a much-needed defensive menace while doubling his scoring output from last season. But most of all, the deal created clarity for and around Young. “Trae and Dejounte really were both trying to make it work, but it was more of, like, Should I do this or should you do this? and then, You do it and I will stay out of it, which meant neither could really be their full best self,” says Kyle Korver, one of the most prolific three-point shooters in NBA history and now the assistant general manager in Atlanta. “I think they were both trying to sacrifice and, ultimately, well, I was once given great marriage advice from my father-in-law. He said, If both of you are only compromising, you’re going to have a compromised marriage. There’s something to that with basketball, too.”
by Hoops Hype